Election 2019

For over 20 years I’ve been one of those floating voters. I don’t float far, I’m VERY unlikely to vote Conservative, I can guarantee that I’ll never go UKIP, Brexit Party Ltd, or join my parents voting BNP (if they still exist!). I’m also not a socialist. I’d say that I’m centre left and most often find myself opting for the Liberal Democrat, Green or Independent candidate. I have also voted Labour a couple of times. I’m an ardent and passionate Remainer/Remoaner/Remaniac/person who likes the country he lives in and doesn’t want to see it all go to hell in a handbag.

So there you are, that’s the political lens that I look through, so hopefully it’ll give you a starting point for where I’m coming from in these pages.

Background – ~300 words (and a video) covering the run up to the 2016 Referendum
Referendum 2016 – ~370 words briefly covering the 2016 Brexit Referendum
Current Standings – ~300 words explaining the main parties’ Brexit stance and general politics
The “Brexit” Election – ~430 words explaining the 3 main approaches to Brexit in the election
United We Stand – Cover page for the inspiration of these pages. This page contains links to the main arguments currently flying around on the Remain side of the general election.

Some questions answered.
(They would be FAQs but no-one’s even seen this yet!)

What is this?
I’ve written a lot about my observations of the current political climate based on observations from Twitter, Online News/Forums and TV news. This is purely how I see the current situation. I would expect people to agree or disagree – that’s the point of politics! If you want to give me feedback, make suggestions on things that are incorrect etc, then feel free to leave a comment or message me on twitter.

How does this work?
There are a few pages here, I’ve tried to split them into logical parts to make it easier to read, refer back to and link. If you find it useful but want to change something or do it your own way then feel free, it’s under a CC BY SA licence, so you can do what you like with it. I only ask that you let others do the same.

Why does it look so crap?
I’m not a web designer, artist or someone with any useful/transferable skills. This is a passion project solely to try and get people to think a bit more about this election rather than turning on each other. If you have skills and want to make something more fun, interactive, factual or otherwise more useful, please do!
I’ve written it in the style that I prefer, which is relatively conversational. I know some people don’t like it, but I find it helps to get the message across and that it’s more engaging. I also use British English (which WordPress doesn’t seem to be a fan of) because I’m British and this is a website aimed at a British audience. If you spot spelling or grammatical errors that I’ve missed please feel free to point and laugh at me in the comments or message me on twitter. I don’t have dyslexia or any other condition that might affect my language choices, so any errors are entirely down to my own stupidity.

Is this it?
No, I’m going to be randomly updating this as I find new information/useful links/infighting etc…

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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