The “Rule of Six”

You’ll have to excuse me for this one, I’m writing it on my phone so it won’t have pretty pictures. It’s also going to be very plain speaking – there will probably be rude words and I’m not intending to edit it. I want to get the raw emotion across.

I’m sat watching de Pfeffel Johnson waffle and bluster through the new safety rules coming into effect. The new rules will be based on the “Rule of Six” (which – like all his catchphrases – he repeated so many times that I started to feel sick). And I’ve had a reaction that I didn’t expect. I’m literally in tears.

This idea that no more than six people can meet together at once is no protection at all. If I went out with 5 friends and then saw another group of friends who I wanted to catch up with, all I’d need to do is shout across or drop one of them a text to swap places. Off we swap and there we go – we’ve all been exposed to 11 other people. And with this pointless idea from a government that has refused to actually be proactive or firm he’s yet again said to the most vulnerable that he doesn’t give a fuck about us.

And once again he’s proved that he hasn’t learned from the past, this rule is going to be effective from Monday 14 September. Just like his lockdown announcement in February was on a Thursday, meaning that huge groups of people went out for one last bender over the weekend. And yet he follows the same pattern.

People have died from this virus. People are STILL dying from this virus. But the fucknuckle doesn’t care. He’s still pushing the groups with the highest increase in positive testing results back to school, college and soon – University. He’s still telling people to go back to the office. He’s still more worried about getting the economy back quickly than working on eradicating the virus quickly and then the economy will bounce back in a sustainable way.

Everything this wiff-waffing waste of time does is reactive. Everything the last 3 governments have done has been to line their pockets and those of their friends. Many of the current party were in role for the court cases around how they treat disabled people. And they were found to be regularly, flagrantly and knowingly committing human rights abuses.

I’m still in tears. And yes most of them are for me, I’m selfish. But some of them are for all of the vulnerable people out there who (like me) are terrified of being killed by de Pfeffel Johnson and Demonic Cummings.